This story is probably the most challenging but rewarding story I have ever written.
As an athlete and someone who is heavily involved with covering sports, I noted multiple instances of inconsiderate behavior and misconceptions in athletics, both intentional and unintentional. I observed a trend across sports in both genders acknowledging behavior that goes unnoticed or ‘swept under the rug’ in the sports world. I found it odd considering we live in a time of passionate social activism. Whether it is another headline or another firsthand account, I notice more and more of these issues occurring.
It took me over a year to finally decide to put what I felt needed to be said into words. After a variety of interviews, multiple editing sessions, long nights of research and some soul-searching, I put together an in-depth story for the fall magazine titled “The Locker Room” which I feel is my most sophisticated piece of work.
Click here to be redirected to the Google Doc. To view the story as seen published, check out the Design page.